Categories of KPR Kraft Roku 2021
Categories of KPR 2021
Guidelines of the Chief of the Jury of the KRP 2021, Tomasz Kopyra.
1. British Ale (9-15ºPlato)
In this category we have collected all British light and amber ales. Irish people wouldn't like it, but Irish Red Ale also made their way here. Strong British ale and English IPA are excluded from this category. Summer Ale may contain New Wave hops, but if they are dominant it is better to submit the beer in the Session IPA, American Pale Ale or Hazy American Pale Ale category.
A. Bitter
B. Mild
C. English Pale Ale
E. Brown Ale
F. Scottish Ale
G. Irish Red Ale
H. Summer Ale
2. Strong Ale (15-30ºPlato)
This category groups strong ales, with the exception of those of Belgian origin and black imperial stouts, porters and barley wine.
A. Old Ale
B. Wee Heavy
C. Wheat Wine
D. Rye Wine
3. Barley Wine (> 20ºPlato)
Due to the number of entries and the strength of these beers, we decided to separate Barley Wine from Strong Ale.
A. English Barley Wine
B. American Barley Wine
C. Barrel Aged Barley Wine
4. Stout (9-15ºPlato)
Traditional Irish, dry, heavily roasted stout and its stronger, more pronounced American version, heavily hopped with American hops, as well as oatmeal stout. Brown Porter-style beers should also be displayed in this category.
A. Dry Stout
B. American Stout
C. Oatmeal Stout
D. Brown Porter
5. Milk Stout (10-18ºPlato)
Sweeter and fuller versions of the stout with both oatmeal and lactose.
A. Milk Stout
B. Milk Stout with additives
6. Stout / Porter with Special Ingredients
Top-fermenting porters and coffee stouts with various additives (chili, herbs, plums, etc.) should fall into this category. The exception are milk stout beers, which should be listed in category 5. Milk Stout.
A. Coffee Stout / Porter
B. Stout / Porter with other additions
7. Strong Stout / Porter (15-20ºPlato)
Strong, but not the strongest versions of stouts and porters of top fermentation.
A. Robust Porter
B. Foreign Extra Stout
C. Tropical Stout
8. Imperial Stout / Porter (> 20ºPlato)
The strongest, most spectacular classic imperial versions of the stout and top-fermented porter, with the exception of the versions with additives, the smoked imperial versions of the Baltic porter and the wood-aged versions.
A. Russian Imperial Stout
B. Imperial Porter
9. Specialty Imperial Stout / Porter (> 20ºPlato)
Special versions of the strongest stouts and top-fermentation porters. In the case of beers with additives, specify what additives were used, in the case of smoked beers specify which smoked malt was used or how the smokiness was achieved. Wood-aged versions should be submitted in category 11. Wood & Barrel Aged Imperial Stout / Porter. Pastry (dessert) versions should be submitted under Category 10. Pastry Stout.
A. Imperial Stout / Porter with accessories
B. Smoky Imperial Stout / Porter
10. Pastry Stout
Dessert stout. Sweet, thick, rich, reminiscent of a chocolate dessert with a variety of additives. When registering, please list all the additives, such as fruit, spices, sweets, etc.
A. Pastry Stout
B. Pastry Stout Barrel Aged
11. Wood & Barrel Aged Imperial Stout / Porter (> 20ºPlato)
Wood or barrel aged Imperial Stouts and Porters. Wood-aged Baltic Porter should be listed in category 14. Wood & Barrel Aged Baltic Porter. Specify the type of additives and the type of barrels or wood that was used. Pastry (dessert) versions should be submitted under Category 10. Pastry Stout.
A. Imperial Stout / Porter Wood & Barrel Aged
B. Imperial Stout / Porter with Wood & Barrel Aged additions
C. Smoky Imperial Stout / Porter Wood & Barrel Aged
12. Baltic Porter (18-22ºPlato)
Polish brewing treasure. In the classic version, no additives.
A. Porter Bałtycki
13. Specialty Baltic Porter (> 18ºPlato)
All kinds of variations on the Baltic porter, which enrich this style, i.e. stronger, imperial, smoky versions, as well as versions with additives.
A. Smoky Baltic Porter
B. Imperial Baltic Porter (> 22º Plato)
C. Baltic Porter with additives
14. Wood & Barrel Aged Baltic Porter (> 18ºPlato)
Baltic porters aged in barrels or with wood have already reached such a level that they should be allocated in a separate category.
A. Wood & Barrel Aged Baltic Porter
B. Wood & Barrel Aged Baltic Porter with additives
15. American Pale Ale (10-14ºPlato)
Everyday craft beer. Session, drinkable, with a distinct maltiness. The more hoppy versions should be submitted in the category 18. Session IPA.
A. American Pale Ale
16. Hazy Pale Ale (10-14ºPlato)
Light, cloudy, clearly hopped, light ale with a slight bitterness. In other words, an APA for modern times.
A. Hazy Pale Ale
17. Other American Ale (10-20ºPlato)
Any ale with American hops, cloudy, wheaten, amber, brown and dark.
A. American Wheat (10-14º Plato)
B. American Amber Ale (10-15º Plato)
C. American Brown Ale (10-15º Plato)
D. Red IPA (15-18 º Plato)
E. Brown IPA (15-18º Plato)
F. Imperial Amber Ale (> 18º Plato)
G. Imperial Brown Ale (> 18º Plato)
H. American Dark Ale (10-15º Plato)
18. Session IPA (<14º Plato)
The lightest version of IPA, session in terms of extract and alcohol content, but still hop oriented.
A. Session West Coast IPA
B. Session Hazy IPA
19. West Coast IPA (14-18º Plato)
West Coast IPA, light, dry, extremely hopped for both aroma and bitterness. Beer revolution icon. Beers based on New Zealand or Australian hops should also be submitted in this category, bearing in mind that they should represent the West Coast IPA character.
A. West Coast IPA
20. East Coast IPA (14-18º Plato)
American interpretation of East Coast IPA, with maltiness and caramel notes of the English original, but combined with new wave hops.
A. East Coast IPA
21. Hazy IPA (14-18º Plato)
Novelty style that took the Polish beer market by storm. Cloudy, juicy, extremely fruity, also known as New England IPA or Vermont IPA.
A. Hazy IPA
22. Black IPA (10-22ºPlato)
Also known as Cascadian Dark Ale. The issue of naming this category will probably be questionable for some time, but it is important that everyone knew that it is about dark, or even black, highly hopped ales.
A. Session Black IPA (10-14º Plato)
B. Black IPA (14-18º Plato)
C. Imperial Black IPA (18-22º Plato)
23. Imperial IPA (> 18º Plato)
The strongest IPA, with an intense hop bitterness and an insane hop aroma. Also known as Imperial IPA. Hazy versions with low bitterness but intense hopping (eg DDH, TDH DIPA, etc.) should be reported under Category 25. Hazy Double IPA.
A. Imperial IPA
24. Hazy Imperial IPA (> 18ºPlato)
Due to the large number of DIPAs being submitted, we decided to separate a category dedicated to them, i.e. juicy, cloudy, with not too high bitterness, treacherously drinkable Double New England IPA, DDH DIPA.
A. Hazy Imperial IPA
25. Other IPA (14-22ºPlato)
Other non-classified IPA varieties, i.e. classic English IPA, IPA on Belgian yeast, as long as it does not match White IPA, Rye IPA, Brut IPA. Note: We do not distinguish NZ IPA style, depending on the nature of the beer, it should be entered in category 19. West Coast IPA or 20. East Coast IPA. Polish IPAs should be reported in category 26. Polish Ale.
A. English IPA
B. Belgian IPA
C. Rye IPA
D. Brut IPA
E. Rice IPA
F. Milkshake IPA (10-18º Plato)
G. White IPA (14-18º Plato)
F. Other IPAs
26. Polish Ale (10-22º Plato)
Poland is the fifth largest producer of hops in the world in terms of production volume. In recent years, apart from the quantity, also the quality of Polish hops has become more and more attractive to brewers. That is why we decided to separate the category of Polish ales that are made exclusively on Polish hops, foreign varieties are allowed, as long as they come from Polish croppings.
A. Polish Pale Ale
B. Polish IPA
C. Polish Imperial IPA
D. Other Polish Ale
27. Grodziskie
The style of beer originating from Wielkopolska, specifically from Grodzisk Wielkopolski. Today it is brewed all over the world. In this category, we focus on classic Grodziskie as well as its variations with a higher extract, with additives or with an unusual type of smoke.
A. Grodziskie Beer (7-9º Plato)
B. New Grodziskie
28. Hefeweizen (10-15ºPlato)
Classic Bavarian-style wheat beer. One of the most frequently brewed beers in Polish breweries. Classic.
A. Hefeweizen
B. Kristalweizen
29. Dunkelweizen, Weizenbock & Roggenbier (10-20ºPlato)
Other wheat and rye beers with characteristic Bavarian strains of yeast, bringing notes of bananas and cloves to the beer. Including a stronger variant, i.e. weizenbock.
A. Dunkelweizen (10-16º Plato)
B. Weizenbock (> 16º Plato)
C. Roggenbier
30. Witbier
Belgian wheat beer with coriander and bitter orange peel, also the versions with new wave hops or with a higher initial extract.
A. Witbier (10-15º Plato)
B. American Witbier (10-16º Plato)
C. Grand Cru (15-18º Plato)
31. Belgian Ale (10-18ºPlato)
Light Belgian ale will be judged in this category, with the exception of witbiers and strong Belgian ales.
A. Belgian Pale Ale (10-14ºPlato)
B. Belgian Blond Ale (13-18ºPlato)
C. Saison (10-18ºPlato)
D. Saison with fruit / side dishes (10-18 ° Plane)
32. Belgian Strong Ale (16-24ºPlato)
The core of this category are monastic beers, but those inspired by the Duvel beer should also find their way here.
A. Dubbel (16-18ºPlato)
B. Tripel (18-20ºPlato)
C. Quadrupel (20-24ºPlato)
D. Belgian Golden Strong Ale (18-22º Plato)
33. Bohemian Lager (9-14ºPlato)
Czech-style Pils, with diacetyl being acceptable in this category, solid malt foundation and strong hopping. Session versions, known as desitka are also allowed.
A. Desitka (9-10.9ºPlato)
B. Czech Pils (11-14ºPlato)
34. German Lager (10-14ºPlato)
German lagers, from German pils, through Helles, Dortmunder to Keller and the styles derived from Cologne, i.e. Koelsch.
A. Pils German (10-14º Plato)
B. Helles
C. Dortmunder
D. Kellerbier
C. Koelsch
35. Polish Lager (10-18ºPlato)
Polish lager, it sounds proud. It is true that there is no crystallized style here, but we would like to promote bottom-fermented beers, which are made exclusively on Polish varieties of hops.
A. Polish Pils
B. Jasne Pełne (Bright Full)
C. Polish Strong Lager
36. Other Lager (10-22ºPlato)
Other lagers not elsewhere classified.
A. American Pils
B. Italian Pils
C. Strong Lager
D. India Pale Lager
E. Other lagers
37. Amber Lager (10-16ºPlato)
The category of amber lagers should include beers in which malt plays a leading role. In this category, you should also submit beer in the style derived from Dusseldorf, i.e. Alt.
A. Märzen
B. Vienna Lager
C. Polotmave
D. Alt
38. Dark Lager (10-15ºPlato)
Dark lagers, from sweet Tmave originating from Czech Republic, through mild Munich Dunkel, to roasted Schwarzbiers.
A. Munich Dunkel
B. Schwarzbier
C. Tmave
39. Bock (> 16ºPlato)
Bocks, in all their versions, with the exception of the smoked ones (44. Smoked Beer), dark and wheat ones (29. Dunkelweizen, Weizenbock & Roggenbier (10-20 ° Plane). This category also includes top-fermented Bocks called Dutch Bocks.
A. Traditional Bock (16-18º Plato)
B. Maibock (16-18º Plato)
C. Doppelbock (> 18º Plato)
D. Autumn Bock (Dutch)
E. Eisbock
40. Sour Ale
In this category, we group sour beers, both classic German origin and new wave, which are difficult to assign to a specific style. Sour beers of Belgian origin should be submitted in category 42. Belgian Sour Ale, versions with fruit should be submitted in category 43. Fruit Sour Ale, and wood-aged versions should be submitted in category 50. Wood & Barrel Aged Wild Beer.
A. Berliner Weisse
B. Gose
C. Other Sour Ale
41. Belgian Sour Ale
Belgian sour ale in classic versions as well as with fruit. When submitting beers with addition of a fruit the type of fruit must be provided on the registration form.
A. Flanders Red Ale
B. Oud Bruin
C. Lambic / Gueze / spontaneous fermentation beer
D. Belgian Sour Ale with fruit
42. Fruit Sour Ale
Sour beers with the addition of fruit, except those of Belgian origin or those that were wood-aged. When submitting beers with addition of a fruit the type of fruit must be provided on the registration form.
A. Berliner Weisse with fruit or vegetables
B. Gose with fruit or vegetables
C. Catharina Sour
D. Other sour beers with fruit
43. Pastry Sour
Sour, fruity and sweet. They burst into the hearts of beer geeks. A trend that has been popular in recent years. When registering, please list all the additives, such as fruit, spices, sweets, etc.
A. Pastry Sour
44. Smoked Beer
Smoked beers, also known as smoked beers, are becoming a Polish specialty. Therefore, we have prepared a category for these beers. Smoke Baltic Porters or Imperial Stouts and Porters should be submitted in Category 13. Specialty Baltic Porter or 9. Specialty Imperial Stout / Porter.
A. Smoked Pale Lager / Ale
B. Light Smoked Stout / Porter (10-14ºPlato)
C. Strong Smoked Stout / Porter (15-20ºPlato)
D. Rauchbier
E. Rauchbock (> 16º Plato)
F. Lichetenheiner
G. Other smoked beers
45. Fruit Beer
Beers with fruit except for sour beers with fruit and Milkshake IPA. That is beers with fruit, fruit pulp, juice, as well as hybrids of beer and wine (Grape Ale) and beer and cider (Graff).
A. Fruit Ale
B. Fruit IPA
C. Grape Ale
D. Graff
E. Other fruit beers
46. Honey Beer
Honey beers were a Polish specialty at one point. Even today, many restaurant breweries have them on offer. Braggots, which are a combination of beer and mead, should also be submitted in this category.
A. Braggot
B. Beer with honey
47. Field Beer
Beers with vegetables, of course pumpkin in the first place, as an ingredient of pumpkin ale. However, the creativity of brewers knows no bounds. What additives will breweries surprise us with?
A. Pumpkin Ale
B. Beer with vegetables
48. Beer with Special Ingredients
Why add anything but water, malt, hops and yeast to beer? Because you can. We are not bound by Reinheitsgebot regulations, let's take advantage of it. Porters or stouts with additives should not be listed in this category. Also, if your beer is primarily IPA, and the addition of tea is only an element of the composition, it should rather go to one of the categories with IPA in the name.
A. Beer with chili
B. Beer with tea
C. Beer with coffee (except Coffee Stout / Porter)
D. Xmas Ale
E. Beer with spices
F. Beer with nuts
G. Beer with cannabis
H. Beer with other additives
49. Wood & Barrel Aged Beer
All wood-aged or wood-aged beers that cannot be assigned to other categories.
A. Wood & Barrel Aged Beer
50. Wood & Barrel Aged Wild Beer
Wood aged wild and sour beers, including those with fruit that cannot be assigned to other categories.
A. Wood & Barrel Aged Brett Ale
B. Wood & Barrel Aged Sour Ale
C. Wood & Barrel Aged Sour Ale with fruit
51. Historical Beer
A. Jopean Beer
B. Sahti
C. Biere de garde
D. Schoeps
E. Albae Cerevisiae
F. Other historical beer - style should be declared in registration form
52. Iced Beer
Iced beers. The description should include the base style, in the case of beers aged with wood, the type of barrel or wood should be declared in registration form.
A. Iced beer
B. Wood-aged iced beer
53. Non-Alcoholic Beer
Non-alcoholic beers are taking the market by storm, so we decided to create a separate category dedicated to them.
A. Non-alcoholic beer up to 0.5% vol. Max.
B. Non-alcoholic beer with additives
54. Low Alcohol Beer
A. Beer with a reduced alcohol content of 0.5-3%
B. Beer with a reduced alcohol content of 0.5-3% with additives
55. Specialty Beer
We know that the creativity of brewers cannot be limited to several dozen categories, so if your beer does not fit into any of the previous categories, you can always submit it in this one. The organizers reserve the right to move the beer to a different category, just as the beers in any other category, but especially in this one.
A. Beer with alternative sugar sources
B. Beers fermented with Kveik yeast
C. Mixed fermentation beer
D. Brett Ale
E. Specialty beers not elsewhere classified